Make a Connection

Our vision at Prolific is to create enduring financial confidence and security for our clients, their families, and our community. Help us make these connections and empower your peers in the process.

Make a Connection

What to Expect

The initial phase of discovery is a ‘no-strings’ exploratory conversation.

This conversation with one of our CFP® professionals is used to discover in real-time if there are any financial planning and/or full-picture orchestration gaps.

We’re hyperconscious of time considerations so during this high-impact 20-minute session, we will simply discuss your short- and long-term goals to ascertain whether it’s a fit for us to partner together.

Alternatively, please feel free to reach out to us directly at [email protected].

Where to Find Us

New York, NY

260 Madison Avenue

8th Floor
New York, NY 10016
United States